Floris Foijer: Crispr & Biotech revolution: Designerbabies and Superhumans?26 Nov. 2018In this laymen’s lecture, organised by the technology platform SCM50 (http://www.smc050.nl), Floris Foijer explains the the basics and (future) applications of CRISPR genome engineering. Also ethical concerns are discussed: are we on our way to designer babies and super humans? https://www.youtube
Defense Aaron Taudt15 Nov. 2018On Monday the 15th of October Aaron Taudt defended his PhD thesis entitled: ‘Hidden Markov Models for the Analysis of Next-Generation-Sequencing Data’. In 2013 he joined the group of Maria Colomé-Tatché as her first PhD student. Half-way through his PhD he moved to Munich with his PI a
DAF-16/FOXO and HLH-30/TFEB function as combinatorial transcription factors to promote stress resistance and longevity14 Nov. 2018The ability to perceive and respond to harmful conditions is crucial for the survival of any organism. The transcription factor DAF-16/FOXO is central to these responses, relaying distress signals into the expression of stress resistance and longevity promoting genes. However, its sufficiency in ful
Ellen Nollen was awarded an ITN grant from the H2020 program02 Nov. 2018Ellen Nollen was awarded an Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant from the H2020 program, funded by the EU. Her work focuses on understanding the molecular basis of age-related neurodegenerative diseases. The network consists of excellent team of partners from academic and non-academic sectors w
Defense ilke Sen31 Oct. 2018On Monday the 22nd of October Ilke Sen defended her PhD thesis titled: New Molecular Mechanisms of Aging Regulation. In 2012 she joined Christian Riedel’s group and ERIBA as one of the first PhD students in the institute. She was working mainly on the DAF-16 in C. elegans. Early in her PhD she
Zpannend Zernike was a big success16 Oct. 2018On the 6th of october ERIBA opened its doors to the public as part of the Weekend van de Wetenschap, the national event known as Zpannend Zernike in Groningen. Researchers from Eriba, the UMCG and Lifelines joined their forces and organized a great variety of science and healthy ageing related activ
Defense Johannes Jung15 Oct. 2018On Monday the 17th of September Johannes Jung defended his PhD thesis called: The role of human CBX proteins in human benign and malignant hematopoiesis. He joined the deHaan lab in 2013 and was working about human CBX proteins and their role in the human hematopoietic system. He moved at the end
Defense Judith Simon28 Sep. 2018On Wednesday, the 12th of September, Judith Simon successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled ‘Identifying aneuploidy-tolerating genes’. Judith currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University in London. Summary: When cell
Leonid Bystrykh and Gerald de Haan were awarded an ITN grant from the H2020 program19 Sep. 2018Leonid Bystrykh and Gerald de Haan were awarded an ITN grant from the H2020 program, funded by the EU. In this Network grant 15 PhD students, employed at academic sites across Europe , together with several industrial partners and patient organizations, aim to understand how age-related hematologica
Sonja Buisman was awarded a KNAW Van Walree Grant22 Aug. 2018Sonja Buisman, a MD/PhD student in the lab of Gerald de Haan was awarded a KNAW Van Walree Grant. The Academy Medical Sciences Fund makes Academy Van Walree Grants available for medical students at the Dutch university who will be giving a presentation at a foreign conference. Sonja will present he