The developmental stage of the medulloblastoma cell-of-origin restricts Hedgehog pathway usage and drug sensitivity

10 June 2022

The developmental stage of the medulloblastoma cell-of-origin restricts Hedgehog pathway usage and drug sensitivity

A study by Smit, Martini et al.


Out now in Journal of Cell Science –


SHH medulloblastoma, a type of brain cancer, originates from the cerebellar granule neuron progenitor lineage that is driven by the Hedgehog signaling pathway. While these tumors exhibit overall deregulation of this pathway, they also show patient age-specific aberrations. Research in the Bruggeman lab has revealed that there is a relationship between the developmental age of the cerebellar progenitor and the age of the patient at diagnosis. It has also demonstrated that developing progenitors use the Hedgehog pathway differentially over time. Together, these findings provide an explanation for the patient age-specific aberrations in the tumors and suggest targeting of specific parts of the Hedgehog pathway in patients of different age groups.


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