Defense Klaske Schukken05 Feb. 2020On Monday January 13th Klaske Schukken from the group of Floris Foijer successfully defended her PhD thesis : The consequences of aneuploidy and chromosomal instability. Klaske is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the lab of Jason Sheltzer in Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA.
ZonMw awards 750,000 Euro to the Berezikov, Nollen and Calkhoven labs at ERIBA to search for healthspan-extending genes04 Feb. 2020Aging-associated diseases are a major challenge of the contemporary society, and finding ways to improve human healthspan – the time that a person can lead a healthy active life – is one of the primary objectives of biomedical research. It is increasingly understood that biological aging is not
Science in a Box invited teachers to ERIBA27 Jan. 2020Thursday the 23rd of January, a group of teachers visited ERIBA to discuss how schools in Groningen can work together with ERIBA. They also learned about Science in a Box, a recently launched project that represents an ideal platform for this type of collaborations. More information can be found at
Quantitative distribution of patient-derived leukemia clones in murine xenografts revealed by cellular barcodes20 Jan. 202018 December 2019 In this recent study by the group of Gerald de Haan, the authors analyzed the anatomic distribution of patient-derived leukemia clones during various stages of disease progression. https://www-nature-com.proxy-ub.rug.nl/articles/s41375-019-0695-2 Clonal heterogeneity fuels leukemia
Brand new podcastseries 'De genezers' van RTV Noord en UMCG13 Jan. 2020’De Genezers’ is a podcast series of RTV Noord in cooperation with the UMCG. In the first episode Ellen Nollen talks about her research on ALS and other diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. This is the link: https://kennisinzicht.umcg.nl/Paginas/Podcast-aflevering-1-ALS.aspx
2.2 million euro KWF infrastructure grant for national CRISPR screening platform at ERIBA-UMCG, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, and Leiden University20 Dec. 2019CRISPR genome engineering is an extremely powerful tool to make changes to the genome of cells. One very commonly used application of CRISPR is to inactivate genes to study their function in cells. While CRISPR gene knockout technology is mostly applied one gene at the time, CRISPR can also be appli
The Dutch Cancer Society awards 615,000 Euro to the de Haan lab at ERIBA to find new treatments for leukemia.20 Dec. 2019Leukemia remains a disease that is difficult to treat. Leukemias occur more frequently in the elderly, which adds to the complexity of treatment options due to the vulnerability of elderly patients to cytotoxic therapies. As the average life expectancy continues to increase, so will the number of el
Joint ERIBA-IMB retreat 201916 Dec. 2019After a successful first joint retreat in 2018, a delegation of the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz, visited ERIBA and the City of Groningen on 11 and 12 December 2019 to discuss the progress on ongoing projects and to setup new collaborative projects with ERIBA research groups.
ERIBA hosted “The man who wants your dog to live forever”10 Dec. 2019ERIBA hosted Dr. Matt Kaeberlein who is one of the leading scientists on the Dog Ageing Project. He was interviewed at the 3rd Molecular Biology of Ageing meeting, ERIBA. His interview was published in de Volkskrant. https://www.volkskrant.nl/es-b91a0c9c
Defense Tristan de Jong06 Nov. 2019On Monday October 28th Tristan de Jong from the team of Victor Guryev defended his PhD thesis entitled; Advancing transcriptome analysis inmodels of disease and ageing. Tristan de Jong started his PhD in 2014 in Victor Guryev’s lab. He succesfully defended his PhD on the 28th of October 2019.