Exhaustive review Seka Lazare and Gerald de Haan24 Nov. 2017Seka Lazare and Gerald de Haan have written an exhaustive review on how stem cells that produce all the blood cells in our body lose functional potential during the aging process. This review was published in BLOOD, the leading journal in the field of Hematology. In the review they discuss molecular
Defense Hilda van den Bos08 Nov. 2017On Monday, the 23rd of October, Hilda van den Bos successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled “Aneuploidy in the human brain and cancer. Studying heterogeneity using single-cell sequencing.” Thesis summary: Aneuploidy, an aberrant number of chromosomes in a cell, is a feature of several syndr
A successful open day in ERIBA.23 Oct. 2017On Saturday October 14 ERIBA was part of an event called “Zpannend Zernike” for the second time. A lot of people came to visit and could experience a bit of science.
Ageing Meeting: a successful second edition!19 Oct. 2017ERIBA organised for the second time the Molecular Biology of Ageing Meeting, from the 8th to the 11th of October 2017 at the premises of UMCG. More than 200 participants from 64 different institutions worldwide attended the four-day Meeting. Andrew Dillin (Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at
Defense Magda Grudniewska-Lawton14 Sep. 2017On Wednesday, the 6th of September, Magda Grudniewska-Lawton successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled “The flatworm puzzle. Uncovering the molecular basis of the remarkable resilience and regeneration capacity of Macrostomum lignano.” Thesis summary: Model organisms are essential for biome
Demaria Group: Unmasking Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Senescent Cells08 Sep. 2017Scientists of the European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA) unravelled the complexity of gene regulation during cellular senescence. The study, carried out in the group of Marco Demaria and in the and led by Alejandra Hernandez-Segura, was published in the journal Current Biology
Johannes Jung was awarded the New Investigator Prize06 Sep. 2017Johannes Jung was awarded the New Investigator Prize at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology in Frankfurt. Congratulations!
Dutch Cancer Society funds ageing research22 Aug. 2017The Dutch Cancer Society has awarded funding for the Calkhoven and Demaria labs in ERIBA. The Calkhoven team (http://eriba.umcg.nl/groups/gene-regulation-in-ageing-and-age-related-diseases/) will use this funding to investigate the role of mitochondria in the maintenance of cancers that are driven b
Join the discussion; registration is still open26 Jul. 2017www.bioageing.nl
Late breaking Abstracts submission expires July 3125 Jul. 2017http://www.bioageing.nl