Ackermann T, Zuidhof HR, Müller C, Kortman G, Rutten MGS, Broekhuis MJC, Zaini MA, Hartleben G and Calkhoven CF.(2023) C/EBPβ-LIP mediated activation of the malate-aspartate shuttle sensitizes cells to glycolysis inhibition.Molecular Metabolism
Zuidhof, H.R. and Calkhoven, C.F. (2022) Oncogenic and tumour-suppressive functions of FTO. Cancer Research.
Müller C, Zidek LM, Eichwald S, Kortman G, Koster M and Calkhoven CF. (2022) Enhanced C/EBPβ function promotes hypertrophic versus hyperplastic fat tissue growth and prevents steatosis in response to high-fat diet feeding. eLife.
Sterken BA, Ackermann T, Zuidhof HR, Kortman G, Hernandez-Segura A, Müller C, Broekhuis M, Spierings D, Gurvey V, and Calkhoven CF. (2022) C/EBPβ isoform-specific regulation of migration and invasion in triple-negative breast cancer cells. NPJ Breast Cancer.
de Leeuw, A, Oude Luttikhuis, MAM, Wellen, AC, Müller, C and Calkhoven C.F. (2021) Obesity and its impact on COVID-19. Journal of Molecular Medicine.
Ackermann T, Zuidhof HR, Kortman, G, Rutten, MGS, Broekhuis, M, Zaini, MA, Hartleben, G and Calkhoven, CF. (2020) C/EBPβ-LIP induces the malate aspartate shuttle causing reliance on glycolysis for NADH regeneration and cell survival. BioRxiv.
Müller, C, Zidek, LM, Eichwald, S and Calkhoven C.F. (2020) C/EBPβ regulates hypertrophic versus hyperplastic fat tissue growth. BioRxiv.
Van der Voort PHJ, Moser J, Zandstra DF, Muller Kobold AC, Knoester M, Calkhoven CF, Hamming I and Meurs M. (2020) Leptin levels in SARS-CoV-2 infection related respiratory failure: A cross-sectional study and a phathophysiological framework on the role of fat tissue. Heliyon.
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Ackermann T, Hartleben G, Müller C, Mastrobuoni G, Groth M, Sterken BA, Zaini MA, Youssef SA, Zuidhof HR, Krauss SR, Kortman G, de Haan G, de Bruin A, Wang Z-Q, Platzer M, Kempa S, Calkhoven CF. (2019) C/EBPβ-LIP induces metabolic reprogramming by regulating the let-7/LIN28B circuit. Commun Biol.
Hartleben G, Müller C, Krämer A, Schimmel H, Zidek LM, Dornblut C, Winkler R, Eichwald S, Kortman G, Kosan C, Kluiver J, Petersen I, van den Berg A, Wang Z-Q, Calkhoven. CF. (2018) Tuberous sclerosis complex is required for tumor maintenance in MYC-driven Burkitt’s lymphoma. EMBO Journal.
Müller C, Zidek LM, Ackermann T, de Jong T, Liu P, Kliche V, Zaini MA, Kortman G, Harkema L, Verbeek DS, Tuckermann JP, von Maltzahn J, de Bruin A, Guryev V, Wang ZQ, Calkhoven CF. (2018) Reduced expression of C/EBPβ-LIP extends health- and lifespan in mice. Elife.
Sahm A, Bens M, Szafranski, K, Holtze S, Groth M, Görlach M, Calkhoven CF, Müller C, Schwab M, Kestler HA, Cellerino A, Burda H, Hildebrandt T, Dammann P and Platzer M (2018) Long-lived rodents reveal signatures of positive selection in genes associated with lifespan and eusociality. PLoS Genetics.
Zaini MA, Müller C, de Jong TV, Ackermann T, Hartleben G, Kortman G, Gührs KH, Fusetti F, Krämer OH, Guryev V and Calkhoven CF (2018) p300 and SIRT1 regulated acetylation switch of C/EBPα controls mitochondrial function. Cell Reports.
Zaini MA, Müller C, de Jong TV, Ackermann T, Hartleben G, Kortman G, Gührs KH, Fusetti F, Krämer OH, Guryev V and Calkhoven CF (2018) p300 and SIRT1 regulated acetylation switch of C/EBPα controls mitochondrial function. Cell Reports.
Hu D, Essig K, Guimaraes JC, Alterauge D, Edelmann S, Heiseke A , Floess S, Klein J, Maiser A, Marschall S, Hrabĕ de Angelis M, Leonhardt H, Calkhoven CF, Huehn J, Krug A, Baumjohann D, Zavolan M and Heissmeyer V (2017) Roquin suppresses PI3K-mTOR signaling to control protein biosynthesis, T cell differentiation and Treg effector function. Immunity
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