Principal Investigators
Position Group Leader of the Laboratory of Telomeres and Genome Integrity
Research fields Telomeres, telomerase, DNA replication, DNA recombination, DNA damage, yeast
  • Research Profile
  • Selected Publications
  • Michael Chang received his PhD degree at the University of Toronto in 2005, under the supervision of Dr. Grant W. Brown, studying DNA damage response pathways using high-throughput functional genomics. As a postdoctoral fellow, first in the lab of Dr. Joachim Lingner at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) in Lausanne, then in the lab of Dr. Rodney Rothstein at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York, his focus shifted to the maintenance of telomeres by telomerase and homologous recombination. He joined ERIBA as an group leader in 2012 and was awarded a Vidi grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research in 2013. His laboratory is focused on dissecting the cellular mechanisms that maintain genome integrity and telomere function.

    • Rosas Bringas FR, Yin Z, Yao Y, Boudeman J, Ollivaud S and Michael Chang. (2024) Interstitial telomeric sequences promote gross chromosomal rearrangement via multiple mechanisms. Proceedings of the Natioanl Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
    • Rosas Bringas FR, Stinus S, de Zoeten P, Cohn, M and Chang M. (2022) Rif2 protects Rap1-depleted telomeres from MRX-mediated degradation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. eLife.
    • Novarina D, Rosas Bringas F.R, Rosas Bringas OG, and Chang M. (2022) High-throughput replica-pinning approach to screen for yeast genes controlling low-frequency events. STAR Protocols.
    • Novarina D, Desai R, Vaisica JA, Ou J, Bellaoui M, Brown GW and Chang M. (2020) A Genome-Wide Screen for Genes Affecting Spontaneous Direct-Repeat Recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. G3: Genes/Genomes/Genetics  
    • Novarina D, Janssens GE, Bokern K, Schut T, van Oerle NC, Kazemier HG, Veenhoff LM, Chang M (2020) A genome-wide screen identifies genes that suppress the accumulation of spontaneous mutations in young and aged yeast cells. Ageing Cell.  
    • Claussin C, Porubský D, Spierings DCJ, Halsema N, Rentas S, Guryev V, Lansdorp PM, and Chang M. (2017) Genome-wide mapping of sister chromatid exchange events in single yeast cells using Strand-seq. Elife.
    • Strecker J, Stinus S, Caballero MP, Szilard RK, Chang M, Durocher D (2017) A sharp Pif1-dependent threshold separates DNA double-strand breaks from critically short telomeres. Elife.  
    • Novarina D, Mavrova SN, Janssens GE, Rempel IL, Veenhoff LM, Chang M. (2017) Increased genome instability is not accompanied by sensitivity to DNA damaging agents in aged yeast cells. DNA repair.
    • Claussin C, Chang M. (2016) Multiple Rad52-mediated homology-directed repair mechanisms are required to prevent telomere attrition-induced senescence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS Genetics.
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